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  • Gary Mauney

Abusive Tax Shelter Litigation.

Gary Mauney has successfully litigated and resolved dozens of abusive tax shelter cases against some of the largest accounting firms, investment banks, and law firms in the world.

Gary Mauney is the former chair and founder of the abusive tax shelter committee of the American Association for Justice. Gary has represented tax shelter clients against KPMG, BDO Seidman, PricewaterhouseCoopers ("PWC"), Deutsche Bank, Brown & Wood, and many others.

These and other accounting firms, investment banks, and law firms sold or "promoted" tax shelters by the names of FLIP, OPIS, BLIPS, CARDS, Contingent Deferred Swap, Son of BOSS, and many other acronyms. In many of these shelters, the promoters knew they were illegal, knew they lacked economic substance, and knew that the outcome of the tax shelter investments had been rigged against the investor. Another common feature of these shelters is the fact that the promoters included millions of dollars of hidden fees in the shelter investment structures.

Gary Mauney has litigated and settled dozens of abusive tax shelter cases across the United States and he is a recognized leader in the field. Gary Mauney has written about and analyzed abusive tax shelters in prominent publications such as the Journal of Taxation and Regulation of Financial institutions. Gary Mauney's abusive tax shelter cases have been featured in media outlets such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Gary Mauney's insights about tax shelter litigation have been credited in books such as Georgetown Professor Tania Rostain's "Confidence Games: Lawyers, Accountants, and the Tax Shelter Industry."

Needless to say, if you invested in an abusive tax shelter, and you want to discuss the possibility of a lawsuit against the promoters, Gary Mauney has had extensive experience and success litigating them. Gary Mauney may be contacted at Mauney PLLC via email at


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